David Bolinsky
Medical Animator & Entrepreneur,
XVIVO Scientific Animation
David Bolinsky is an accomplished and award-winning medical illustrator and animator whose ground-breaking career in digital animation spans 31 years. After holding the position of Senior Medical Illustrator at the Yale School of Medicine, David founded the world’s first digital medical animation company, Advanced Imaging, Inc., in 1984.
David is passionate about bringing the power of animation to science education, through both cutting-edge advances in interactive technologies and innovations in publishing.
Bolinsky is behind the project “The Inner Life of a Cell” which visualizes various aspects of cellular mechanics, and has garnered a millions of view online. He works with schools and with medical and scientific firms, turning complex processes into understandable, compelling films.
“I know that most of the exciting things in science haven't been discovered yet.”
“And when you personalize a component, make it emotional, give it an incomplete story that you feel compelled to research, then it makes a simple equation, you've been transformed from a memorizer to a seeker.”
“The trick is to incite rather than dampen curiosity among a broad audience.”